The Muse

Economic disciples of Jesus

Posted in Economics, Theological Reflection by givingproject on 29/06/2011

Economic participation is usually considered a selfish transaction. As the economy moves up, or as we’ve experienced lately, steeply down, these selfish actions leave many victims behind. It does not matter whether the economic behavior of people, businesses or governments are motivated by fear or greed, they lead each one to seize or hoard, build or destroy, grasp or deny.

By contrast, the Christian worldview compels a believer to participate in the economy as a means to:

  • receive with gratitude,
  • create in order that others might benefit,
  • and share in God’s name that others might gratefully receive.
The way a Christian chooses to earn and use money in an increasingly secular (and sometimes hostile) culture is becoming a more noticeable distinctive of what it means to follow Jesus.
-mark l vincent